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Bassist | Composer
" Does Markovitz have Cuban Roots? From his terse, melodic, often chordally-charged pulse, it would seem so"
- "The O'Farrill Brothers Band: Smart Kids Having Fun On Stage,"
" ...Markovitz is clear and strong whether underpinning the whole or articulating a solo - and it's great to hear a bassist who sings along, as he does on One for the Doctor"
- "Peter Bacon, "Bastian Weinhold-Cityscape,"
" Buoyed by Raviv Markovitz's stunning basslines, Clayton mines Raymond's lyrical ideas, leaving space for Cory Cox's popping insertions"
-Andrea Canter, Inner "Strength and Song": The John Raymond Project's Debut Recording,
" Markovitz is particularly effective in driving the pulse here--we should all be so motivated! The bassist turns in another outstanding solo effort on “The Poor Blindman,” graced by Hekselman’s songful, gentle lines and Raymond’s Milesian incantation"
-Andrea Canter, Inner "Strength and Song": The John Raymond Project's Debut Recording
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